Before, During and After Your MRI Test

The infographic below, MRI Preparation: What to Expect, explains what happens before, during and after the test. From your point of view as a patient, there’s nothing in the infographic that will scare you, but there are several things you’ll learn that are very important.

Your biggest MRI challenge will probably be the dress code. You’ll be told before your test to not wear any metal to your procedure. Metal and MRI tests do not mix well. You should alert your doctor of any metal you have inside, such as artificial joints or a pacemaker. You’ll find other things highlighted in the infographic of what not to wear during your test, such as makeup.

Although an MRI produces images almost immediately, it can take anywhere from a few days to two weeks for radiologists to review them and doctors to report back. This is why, as the infographic states, it is a good idea to ask how long that report will take before you leave. For all the MRI details, please continue reading.

MRI Preparation: What To Expect from Imprex International, a non-magnetic, titanium tool manufacturer


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